scenes from ny

a few iPhone shots from Brooklyn





  1. oh my lord, that first photograph is awesome! honestly one of my favourite photographs I’ve seen in ages! Just a beautiful moment you’ve caught, reminds me of a photo by Cartier Bresson or Man Ray or someone really famous that I can’t (but should!) remember who!!! Would you mind if i share it on facebook p’raps? Or my blog? Lovely! 🙂

  2. hi, cat! thanks so much for your lovely comment. i’m excited about this one, too and love how the reflection of the tree and building in the window on top of the vignette makes it look like a collage or a layer of multiple pictures in one. i wouldn’t mind at all if you share as long as you link back to my blog or my website or something. thanks so much!

  3. cool, thanks! The rest are great too – makes me really want to go back to NY and go with my bf! That first one is extra special tho 🙂
    I’ve only briefly been to NY for about 5 days – it was a trip on my BA photography course which is about 6 years ago now, but i loved it! would really love to go back – the photos i’d take now would be so different! ahhh…one day….. 😉

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